Project: Commissioned Text Quilt
Progress Report (7 of 9) All the words have been completed for my latest text quilt, so I thought I'd experiment with time lapse photography and show how they all fall into place on the layout grid for this quilt. I've been looking for something to film this way ever since I ran across the option on my cell. (See my effort above by clicking on the arrow.) These words were done by hand in reverse appliqué. Never stopped to consider how long it takes me to create a word before, so I decided to keep track of the process this time around. I just totaled up the hours I spent on ten words and was quite surprised. Rounding up and down to the nearest 15 minutes, the grand total is 125 hours in about 5 weeks. That is just the hand work on the letters. I haven't even started the quilting yet! Good thing I enjoy this process so much. Reverse appliqué is the perfect technique to execute graceful curving lines and shapes with varying contours. An added benefit is that there...